Friday, November 1, 2013

Snow White and the Loofa Sponge: My Halloween on a budget.

What is Halloween for the artsy, trend-obsessed, trying-to-be-creative gal, you ask? DIY Costuming! (and pumpkin spice lattes-- but thats a given) 

So as I sat up on mischief night (not vandalizing my siblings homes, much to my dismay) and imagined all of the wonderful things that I could be, I realized two things:

1. I'm Broke. 
2. I have an 8AM class tomorrow. 

Put these things together and It equals the AC Moore clearance section and a DIY hangover tomorrow morning (ya gotta make sacrifices for costuming).  

SO. My pal Tori and I decided to make this "Halloween on a budget" the best it could be. Naturally, I decided that with my short dark hair, the ONLY option was Snow White, and Tori being.. well, Tori.. went with something a tad different-- a loofa sponge.  

With a little bit of "sale section" ribbon, elastic, wire, a whole lot'a mesh, a sewing kit, and a good amount of off-brand cereal, we created two stellar ETYABCSYCSDIY (Even Though You're A Broke College Student You Can Still Do It Yourself) costumes.

Ladies and Gents, I give you…

The Adventures of Sassy-Snow and the Loofa Sponge. 
(could make for a pretty good children's book) 


Want more info on how to make these killer creations? (I know you do) Comment below! 

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