Thursday, March 20, 2014

Make-up Moment Ep.2

Christian Dior
Diorshow Mascara
Christian Dior 'Diorshow' Mascara: Splurge or Save?

Ladies, this is important-- so listen up!  Diorshow Mascara by Christian Dior is one of the best mascaras I've ever used, I'll admit it.  This product most definitely makes it into my top ten list for lashes.  Aside from that, it's about the classiest thing I've ever laid eyes on-- but it's killing our bank accounts!  So, after a few trips to Sephora dropping $25+ every time, I started looking for other options.

 Girls, I'm here to tell you that there is a substitute!

Loreal Voluminous
Lash Mascara
Loreal Voluminous Lash has completely quenched my thirst for Diorshow at a quarter of the price! This is a perfect example of a situation where splurging is not necessary!  I have been using the Loreal Voluminous Lash following my Tarte MultiplEYE lash primer (we'll talk about that another time for sure) for a while now and I do not plan on switching up anytime soon!

So what are you waiting for? 

Go pick some up at your nearest drugstore! 

Verdict: Christian Dior Diorshow Mascara = SAVE 


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wardrobe Wonders Ep.1

Help! The weather is being awkward and we're confused! 

I know, I know, the weather is about to get warm and we're all excited.  BUT.  Right now, it's still so in between! So what are our wardrobing options for this winter-spring limbo

I picked some out for you! (and i did it on a budget)

Here are two chic selections for your spring fever fix, that will still keep you toasty on the random chilly days, 

(all of the items you see below are can be found on the Target website *applause*)

This ensemble is super edgy and totally fun at the same time. If I were rocking this look, I would wear that T-Bird style vest unzipped, to reveal the geometric patterns of the slouchy tee. I think my favorite piece here would have to be the wedges--those ankle straps are a serious selling point for me.  I'm also loving the pop of color and femeninity that come along with that adorable studded clutch.  Tie it all together with some sparkly accessories and you've got yourself a killer outfit that can take you from day to night. 

This look is a little more feminine and flirty than the last.  Let's start with the dress.  From that perfect shade of pink to the high neckline, I'm pretty much obsessed.  And pairing this staple piece with that grey studded oversized cardigan only makes it better.  I decided to mix up some metallics in the boots and cuff.  I'm always big on mixing metals, and in this case it was a perfect fit.  Throwing in the blue/green messenger bag, sunnies, and simple stud earrings were just cherries on top of a sassy and romantic look perfectly suited for this spring sneak-peak

Once again,  If you love what you see, check out Target's website HERE, everything is currently available! 


Monday, March 10, 2014

Make-up Moment Ep.1

Urban Decay NAKED palettes : Splurge or Save?

SO, I have a confession to make.  I am a little bit of a make up snob, I’ll be the first to admit it. I have this tendency to spend entire paychecks in Sephora and Mac.  And although these aren’t my proudest moments financially, they are my favorite.  I figured I might as well put some of my makeup experience to good use and talk to you guys about which cosmetics you should SPLURGE on and which you should SAVE on.

For episode 1, we're talkin' Urban Decay eyeshadow.  One (out of about a-trillion) things that I adore about Urban Decay shadows are how smooth the application is.  Some drug-store shadows tend to look either way too harsh or barely there, and we cannot have that. 

Another thing about UD shadow is that every color is so unique and gorgeous.  The huge spectrum of super sparkly (Midnight Cowboy Rides Again is my personal fav), to shimmery (Trick is one of the best), and also matte shadows (lately I'm loving Limit and Nooner) to choose from will suit you with a shadow for every possible mood you could ever find yourself in. And I don't know about you, but I have a whole lot of moods.   

For the sake of this article and for the sake of all of your lives, we're gonna talk about the NAKED palettes. I am a proud owner of all three NAKED palettes, and cosmetically, I couldn’t live without ’em. 

NAKED 1 palette by Urban Decay

NAKED 1: This palette was the sixth UD palette that I bought and it has, by far, gotten the most use.  It took me from sunday morning looks, to saturday nights without skipping a beat.  And the great thing about it now is that because there are two others out, you can get it at a discounted price in some locations, so jump on it ladies! 

NAKED 2 palette by Urban Decay

NAKED 2: Because of my immediate love for the first generation palette, I, of course, jumped on the second as soon as it came out. No regrets here whatsoever, but I would say that if you have the first one, you don't necessarily need the second or vice versa. 

NAKED 3 palette by Urban Decay

NAKED 3: An entirely different story from its sisters. This Rose Gold beauty has swept in and completely stolen my heart.  The only possible review I could give on this collection of shadows is to purchase it immediately. I wish pictures could do these shades justice. Want my opinion? Go to your beloved makeup source and test out these shadows, you will not walk away empty handed.  

The bottom line here is that UD NAKED palettes, any shadow by UD for that matter, is well worth the splurge.  Go see for yourself!

Verdict:  NAKED Palettes = SPLURGE worthy. 


Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day!


Come one, come all.  Feeling happy? Depressed? Angry? Lonely? Motivated? UNmotivated? Or maybe you’re just hormonal… 

Whatever it is, I have the ultimate remedy, 

and it's calorie free. 

I Just found out that today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day!  How will I celebrate, you ask? With a  play list of 25 girlie anthems, of course. 

Bidding farewell to jerks, players, womanizers, and of course, scrubs, 
I give you THEE 
"Music that you’re semi-embarrassed to admit you’re listening to, but it’s so chick-empowering that you don’t care what anyone thinks, and your inner female rights activist is jumping up and down and scorning men all over the world" Playlist.

And it’s wonderful. 

(click on the song titles to listen!) 

1. Man, I Feel Like a Woman - Shania Twain
2. Can’t Hold Us Down - Christina Aguilera & Little Kim
4. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
5. Survivor - Destiny’s Child
6. Fighter - Christina Aguilera 
7. Crash Your Party - Karmin
8. R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Aretha Franklin
9. No Scrubs - TLC
10. Little Black Dress - Sara Bareilles
11. Overdrive - Katy Rose
12.  Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
13. Perfect - PINK
14. I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
15. Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood 
16. Titanium - David Guetta & Sia
17. This One’s for the Girls - Martina McBride
18. Run The World - Beyonce
19. Born This Way - Lady GaGa
20. Stronger - Britney Spears
21. Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys
22. Kerosene - Miranda Lambert 
23. Super Girl - Krystal Harris
24. Just a Girl - No Doubt
25. Hate On Me - Jill Scott

enjoy, feel good, and feel girlie : ) 


Friday, November 15, 2013

My Sincere/Passive-Agressive/Blatantly Sarcastic List of Thank You's.

Today I realized that I may never get to thank all of the famous people that have inspired me.  And also the ones that I would like to passive-aggressively slap in the face. So I'm going to thank them vicariously through this post. Here it goes.

Audrey Hepburn, thank you for being perfect. 

Next up, Miley.  Miley. Miley, Miley, Miley. I would like to personally thank you for proving that once you go Disney, you can indeed go back-- even if you broke some achey-breaky-hearts in the end, and demolished the chances of young girls ever respecting themselves, and stole Pink's hair cut, and made us all feel awkward watching the VMA's, and I know this is a run-on sentence but I can't stop (that was not supposed to be a pun).  Anyway, you go girl!  

This one goes out to Chris Brown.  Thank you for having such great anger management skills. So you slip up and punch someone in the face every other night.. big deal. 

This is a big one: lets take this time to express our gratitude to Mr. Ryan Seacrest. Thanks Ryan, for bringing us the Kardashians, whom help us little folk realize how fortunate we are to have normal speaking voices, sexual integrity, and zero plastic surgery debt.  Also, they're majorly entertaining, and a great outlet for my sisters boredom. We gotta give snaps to Ryan (if you don't get this 'Clueless' reference, stop what you're doing and go educate yourself. I know you have netflix).

Emma Watson, thank you for giving men unrealistic expectations for females, and giving women unrealistic hair expectations. 

Ryan. Gosling. Thank you Ryan Gosling, for being Ryan Gosling. 

To the writers of Full House, I'd like to thank you all for letting us know that its okay for our weird single uncle who plays with puppets to come and live with us.  

And finally, Tina Fey. Thank you for being hilarious, and giving me hope for my future. And also for writing Mean Girls… 


Friday, November 8, 2013

Old Lady Sports.

The following article could be considered offensive to your gradmother, and for that I apologize.

If you know myself or my family at all, you know that the closest we come to athletic is Wii tennis (disclaimer: this is NOT an insult to you die hard “Wii tennis athletes” out there. Please continue to rock the cyber court). Anyway, my life pretty much consisted of dodging gym class and praying that no one would try to throw me a football.  After not having played ANY sports in high school I was itching at the chance to continue to not play sports in college. Yes, you have read that correctly. In my attempts to remain as non-athletic as possible and clutch on to my dignity as hard as I can, I realized something: the majority of the simple joys in my life are astonishingly similar to those of an elderly women (which makes for a great reason for boys not to date me). I like to call these activities “Old Lady Sports”.

You’re probably all wondering what activites are involved in Old Lady Sports.  Well, I can tell you this much-- it’s definitely not football, and definitelly not soccer, and most definitelly not lava ball (I just made that up, but it sounds fun). Old Lady Sports are exercises of the mind. 

I first realized I was an Old Lady Athlete when I found myself excited to see an info-mercial and the time I almost purchased an “as seen on TV” product. I  cannot tell a lie, I came pretty close that day.  The next sign that I was morphing into a Golden Girl was when I learned to knit-- which may or may not have happened three days ago. Lets just say, Im excited to finish this article so that I can start again... We’ll leave it at that.  I also have an obsession with hot tea, which is basically cat-nip for old ladies (I dont know what you’re picturing right now, but it scares me and I’m sorry).  Lastly, I knew I was a pre-mature Gramz when I was far too interested in the BINGO Night Flyer in Chick-Fil-A.  

I will forever own my label as an Old Lady Athlete, I will continue to exercise my mind with knitting and prey on TV bargains.  For these things I am not ashamed.  


Monday, November 4, 2013

My Sixth Grade Google Horror Story.

So, as many of you know, on the eighth day (after He created unicorns and Nutella) God created the most wonderful tool man has ever possessed. Google. 

Google is the number one source for all of the worlds most pressing questions. 

-a brief example of some of the worlds most pressing questions:
"What is twerking?"
"What does it mean when you're scared of Chinese people?"
"Why is my goldfish turning black?"
"How to raise your IQ by eating gifted children."
and finally, (my personal favorite)
"What's a good Amish dating website?"

Obviously, Google has the answers for everything. Which is why I didn't hesitate for a second when I was presented with this situation in the sixth grade: 

As I sat tall in Mrs. McMeanLady’s Science class (names have been changed for privacy reasons), I overheard a conversation between the three popular gals-- lets just call them "the Amanda’s" to save time.  Now, the Amanda’s sole purpose in life had three parts. One, scrunched hair. Two, Myspace. Three, to make Laurie Seifert's life a living hell.  So, naturally, I was put at a table with all three of these girls according to Mrs. McMeanLady’s seating chart.  One day as I tried and tried again to wrap my mind around the Water Cycle, in my full Old Navy overall get-up and Corey Matthews curls, I overheard the Amanda’s conversation.  This conversation however, was unlike any I had heard before.  It wasn’t the usual dialogue concerning a broken choker necklace or Danny Michaelson’s new pair of Nikes. No. This one was different. They were talking about Mrs. McMeanLady, and they used a word I had never heard before. Cellulite. 

Cellulite. I said it over and over again in my head trying to figure out what it could be.  After pondering for a while and coming up with nothing, I made the brave decision to write it down on the inside corner of my polar bear folder.  After all, I couldn’t write it on my hand, It could’ve been the equivalent of the 'F' word for all I knew.  

The last bell rang and I grabbed my backpack and headed out to my Moms mini-van as fast as I could. It had been hours since I heard this word and with each second it grew more and more mysterious.  As my Mom unlocked the front door to my house I ran in, threw my backpack on the ground, got in trouble, picked my backpack back up and took it to my room, THEN headed straight for the computer.  I was going to ask the ultimate source, Google.  I wasn’t exactly sure how to spell it so I went with something along the lines of “sellyulight”.  I knew it didn’t matter because I had faith that Google would know exactly what I meant-- and it did.  “Did you mean “What is Cellulite?”.  Why yes, Google, I did!  The great news is, Google is a genius. The bad news is that given the choice, I chose the Google Image search. 

You could imagine my surprise when the first pictures started to load and my mind was spinning with visions of old lady butts that looked like cottage cheese.  I immidiately shut off the computer screen and covered my eyes (like that was gonna get rid of the visual burned into my brain). I knew that if either of my parents saw me looking at butts they would definitely take away my Sega Dreamcast, and that was just unacceptable.  There was only one thing I could do, go up to my room, blast Spice World and try to forget. 

The next day in science class, I asked Mrs. McMeanLady if she could move my seat because the Amanda’s were distracing me.  She said no. (thats how she earned the name Mrs. McMeanLady) And from that day forward I tried and tried to tune out the conversations going on at my table full of Amanda’s. I got pretty good at it actually, and at the end of the year one of them even wrote in my yearbook “H.A.G.S. Church Gurl”... Well, it could’ve been worse. 

Moral of the story: 
tell your kids about searching things on Google--and warn them about sellyulight. 
