Urban Decay NAKED palettes : Splurge or Save?
SO, I have a confession to make. I am a little bit of a make up snob, I’ll be the first to admit it. I have this tendency to spend entire paychecks in Sephora and Mac. And although these aren’t my proudest moments financially, they are my favorite. I figured I might as well put some of my makeup experience to good use and talk to you guys about which cosmetics you should SPLURGE on and which you should SAVE on.
For episode 1, we're talkin' Urban Decay eyeshadow. One (out of about a-trillion) things that I adore about Urban Decay shadows are how smooth the application is. Some drug-store shadows tend to look either way too harsh or barely there, and we cannot have that.
Another thing about UD shadow is that every color is so unique and gorgeous. The huge spectrum of super sparkly (Midnight Cowboy Rides Again is my personal fav), to shimmery (Trick is one of the best), and also matte shadows (lately I'm loving Limit and Nooner) to choose from will suit you with a shadow for every possible mood you could ever find yourself in. And I don't know about you, but I have a whole lot of moods.
For the sake of this article and for the sake of all of your lives, we're gonna talk about the NAKED palettes. I am a proud owner of all three NAKED palettes, and cosmetically, I couldn’t live without ’em.
NAKED 1 palette by Urban Decay |
NAKED 1: This palette was the sixth UD palette that I bought and it has, by far, gotten the most use. It took me from sunday morning looks, to saturday nights without skipping a beat. And the great thing about it now is that because there are two others out, you can get it at a discounted price in some locations, so jump on it ladies!
NAKED 2 palette by Urban Decay |
NAKED 2: Because of my immediate love for the first generation palette, I, of course, jumped on the second as soon as it came out. No regrets here whatsoever, but I would say that if you have the first one, you don't necessarily need the second or vice versa.
NAKED 3 palette by Urban Decay |
NAKED 3: An entirely different story from its sisters. This Rose Gold beauty has swept in and completely stolen my heart. The only possible review I could give on this collection of shadows is to purchase it immediately. I wish pictures could do these shades justice. Want my opinion? Go to your beloved makeup source and test out these shadows, you will not walk away empty handed.
The bottom line here is that UD NAKED palettes, any shadow by UD for that matter, is well worth the splurge. Go see for yourself!
Verdict: NAKED Palettes = SPLURGE worthy.